Yes, it is often said that travel is not necessarily a holiday. Get up at dawn, take endless buses and never put your bag down for more than 2 days in the same city. Thailand has been for us a country of rest, relaxation and beach!


Let's start at the beginning, when we arrived in Bangkok for the New Year, we discover a city that never sleeps, where celebration is the national sport. Of course, we find ourselves in THE tourist district par excellence, Khao San Road. This district is a kind of city, in the morning, you meet monks giving alms in the middle of bars still full of tourists finishing their drinks. During the day the street turns into an extraordinary market, clothing, accessories, electronics, books, you will find your happiness but at a tourist price! In the evening, the bars fight with decibels and reelers offering you drinks at prices below the floor, the result of all this bazaar, a giant nightclub where it will be impossible for you to discern the slightest song. Anyway, the watchword here is, partying and not remembering anything! Bangkok remains charming, a modern and religious city at the same time where shopping malls are growing like mushrooms and where temples are trying to touch the sky. We made 3 trips to Bangkok, arriving in Thailand, returning from Koh Chang and returning from Phuket. For our last days in Bangkok we were lucky enough to be able to stay in the Bayoke Tower, the tallest tower in Thailand, 343m, thanks to the parents of Romans who came to meet us in Thailand for 15 days.

Koh Chang

Why come to Thailand if not to stay on an almost deserted island offering absolutely paradisiacal landscapes... this is what we found on Koh Chang, located in the Gulf of Thailand, but not without sacrifice! From the pier, after an hour on a scooter south to Tree House and on an awful road, we found our salvation. Wooden huts on stilts and palm tree roofs, toilet and outdoor shower, all this confused in a lush jungle bordering a fine sandy beach totally deserted.

Koh Yao Noi

Another small island, much smaller this time, and located on the shores of the Andaman Sea between Krabi and Phuket. A timeless island or a Muslim fishing community lives in total harmony with nature. Between the comings and goings of the ferries leaving their wave of tourists, the island nevertheless remains extremely calm and it is good to live there! We particularly appreciated the ebbing tides that made it possible to walk on a few islands that had become inaccessible once the sea had risen.


Phuket, a lot to say, an island transformed into a megalopolis, living to the rhythms of crazy evenings and calm days, spent lying on the beach. We were in Patang, the city of all excesses! The famous Tiger Bar and its dancers, a bar resembling a real shopping mall where a few dozen bars share the space, or the dancers wiggle on the counter while a DJ smashes our ears. The island itself seems overexploited; on this island everything is possible. You rent large cars without a licence or insurance, you can go karting, buggy, quad biking, every imaginable fantasy, you can make them in Phuket.